Friday, August 16, 2013

Reflecting about the concept of Thinking Win-Win

Reflection for today: Thinking win-win is the most challenging concept to share with people. From a realist point of view, this is a dog eat dog world, if you think win-win, you will end up in a win-lose situation. There is no such thing as thinking win-win in this world. What planet are you from? I don't disagree with this perspective. I live in this world too. 

However, I see it from a different perspective. If I were to frame it differently, I would say, thinking win-win is about relationships and people. If you value the long term interdependent relationship with the people you care about, then you have to think win-win when you relate to these people. The key phrase here is 'long term interdependent relationships'. For example you must always thinking win-win with your spouse, family and colleagues you care about. For example, imagine your interaction with your spouse is a win-lose all the time. If the relationship is interdependent, what will be the relationship like? What will you get? Any win-lose situation will always end up a lose-lose sitiation. That's why win-win in relationships is the only realistic alternative. Hmm...

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