Sunday, June 17, 2012

Biblical Principles and The Role of the Father: My reflections after today's Sermon on The Challenge of Christian Fatherhood...for sharing.

Godly father provides for his wife and children. But how much is enough? You need to know when to stop. Money and wealth is never enough. If you don't know when to stop, both money and wealth have no meaning.

There no such thing as short quality time. You can't have quality time if you are not willing to spend enough time.

Godly fathers understands that God provide. The Godly father in providing for his family puts his trust and finds security only in God. Godly father puts God first!

Godly fathers honours wife and children. Man does not stand alone. Your wife is your fortress! Without your wife, there's no family. Love your wife and children without conditions. The relationship with our children is not a one way street. Don't adopt a top down relationship. It should not be a one sided relationship. Bring up children to know the Lord the same way we know the Lord ourselves. 

How? Don't focus on teaching just the relevant things of the world, e.g. passing exams, being forceful and confident, skills to survive the tough world we are in today, etc. Christian values matters. 

You can't teach anything you don't have. Lead by example. Your children learn what they see and not what you tell them.

Happy Father's day to all Daddies!

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