Saturday, April 23, 2011

Life lessons I learnt from Photography #3: Imagination is Important

Photography is all about imagination. Before my shoot session, I will do some research on the site I am about to visit. After my research, I will imagine the pictures I want to capture in my mind. I will always "begin with the end in my mind" before I "click". Stephen Covey said that everything happens twice. There will always be two creations. The first creation is your mental creation. You can imagine what you want to create up in your head before your make it happen physically. That's your second creation - physical creation. Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.

For example. If you were to build a house you first form the idea in your head and put the plan on paper, this is your first creation. When you do start to physically build the house there will inevitably be some adjustments and variations to the construction. But the more time you spend on the first creation, and the deeper analysis you perform to your accommodation needs, the less variation you will end up enduring, and the more cost effective is your project.

How often do we use our imagination as we journey through the years of our lives? Do you imagine what would be like 10, 20 years down the road? Do you imagine what others will say when they talk about you when you are gone? Do you imagine what are the contributions you will make before you leave this beautiful world? Have you done your first creation using your imagination? Remember, everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality. So, be imaginative!

Life throws so many things at us that keep us so busy that often we have never thought about where we are heading and if what we are doing is taking us closer to, or further from our destination. Using our imagination allows us to move into the world of possibilities. It will help you question your limits and face your worst challenge. The impossible becomes possible!

Some say that imagination is our "inner vision". With a clear inner vision, you will lead a life of your imagination. If you want to create the life of your dreams it is imperative that you use your imagination.

Well, I am a very imaginative person...I dream a lot....everyday :)

pic: Jimmy with his coach Dr. Stephen Covey

“Limitations live only in our minds. 
But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”

Jamie Paolinetti

Life lessons I learnt from Photography "CLICK":
Life lessons  #2: Look for the Beauty
Life lessons  #3: Imagination is Important

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